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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - slip


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(slips, slipping, slipped) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you slip, you accidentally slide and lose your balance. He had slipped on an icy pavement... Be careful not to slip. VERB: V, V 2. If something slips, it slides out of place or out of your hand. His glasses had slipped... The hammer slipped out of her grasp. VERB: V, V prep/adv 3. If you slip somewhere, you go there quickly and quietly. Amy slipped downstairs and out of the house... VERB: V adv/prep 4. If you slip something somewhere, you put it there quickly in a way that does not attract attention. I slipped a note under Louise’s door... Just slip in a piece of paper. VERB: V n prep, V n with adv 5. If you slip something to someone, you give it to them secretly. Robert had slipped her a note in school... She looked round before pulling out a package and slipping it to the man. VERB: V n n, V n to n 6. To slip into a particular state or situation means to pass gradually into it, in a way that is hardly noticed. It amazed him how easily one could slip into a routine... = slide VERB: V into n 7. If something slips to a lower level or standard, it falls to that level or standard. Shares slipped to 117p... In June, producer prices slipped 0.1% from May... Overall business activity is slipping. VERB: V to/from/by amount/n, V amount, V • Slip is also a noun. ...a slip in consumer confidence. N-SING: oft N in n 8. If you slip into or out of clothes or shoes, you put them on or take them off quickly and easily. She slipped out of the jacket and tossed it on the couch... I slipped off my woollen gloves. VERB: V into/out of n, V n with on/off 9. A slip is a small or unimportant mistake. We must be well prepared, there must be no slips. N-COUNT 10. A slip of paper is a small piece of paper. ...little slips of paper he had torn from a notebook... I put her name on the slip. N-COUNT: oft N of n 11. A slip is a thin piece of clothing that a woman wears under her dress or skirt. N-COUNT 12. see also Freudian slip 13. If you give someone the slip, you escape from them when they are following you or watching you. (INFORMAL) He gave reporters the slip by leaving at midnight. PHRASE: V inflects 14. If you let slip information, you accidentally tell it to someone, when you wanted to keep it secret. I bet he let slip that I’d gone to America. PHRASE: let inflects 15. If something slips your mind, you forget about it. The reason for my visit had obviously slipped his mind. PHRASE: V and N inflect 16. to slip through your fingers: see finger slip of the tongue: see tongue
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   I. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German; akin to Middle High German ~fen to slide, Old High German slifan to smooth, and perhaps to Greek olibros ~pery  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to move with a smooth sliding motion  b. to move quietly and cautiously ; steal  c. elapse, pass  2.  a.  (1) to escape from memory or consciousness  (2) to become uttered through inadvertence  b. to pass quickly or easily away ; become lost let an opportunity ~  3. to fall into error or fault ; lapse  4.  a. to slide out of place or away from a support or one's grasp  b. to slide on or down a ~pery surface ~ on the stairs  c. to flow smoothly  5. to get speedily into or out of clothing ~ped into his coat  6. to fall off from a standard or accustomed level by degrees ; decline  7. side~  transitive verb  1. to cause to move easily and smoothly ; slide  2.  a. to get away from ; elude, evade ~ped his pursuers  b. to free oneself from the dog ~ped its collar  c. to escape from (one's memory or notice) their names ~ my mind  3. shed, cast the snake ~ped its skin  4. to put on (a garment) quickly — usually used with on ~ on a coat  5.  a. to let loose from a restraining leash or grasp  b. to cause to ~ open ; release, undo ~ a lock  c. to let go of  d. to disengage from (an anchor) instead of hauling  6.  a. to insert, place, or pass quietly or secretly  b. to give or pay on the sly  7. slink, abort  8. dislocate ~ped his shoulder  9. to transfer (a stitch) from one needle to another without working a stitch  10. to avoid (a punch) by moving the body or head quickly to one side  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a sloping ramp extending out into the water to serve as a place for landing or repairing ships  b. a ship's or boat's berth between two piers  2. the act or an instance of departing secretly or hurriedly gave his pursuer the ~  3.  a. a mistake in judgment, policy, or procedure  b....
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v. (slipped, slipping) 1 intr. slide unintentionally esp. for a short distance; lose one's footing or balance or place by unintended sliding. 2 intr. go or move with a sliding motion (as the door closes the catch slips into place; slipped into her nightdress). 3 intr. escape restraint or capture by being slippery or hard to hold or by not being grasped (the eel slipped through his fingers). 4 intr. make one's or its way unobserved or quietly or quickly (just slip across to the baker's; errors will slip in). 5 intr. a make a careless or casual mistake. b fall below the normal standard, deteriorate, lapse. 6 tr. insert or transfer stealthily or casually or with a sliding motion (slipped a coin into his hand; slipped the papers into his pocket). 7 tr. a release from restraint (slipped the greyhounds from the leash). b detach (an anchor) from a ship. c Brit. detach (a carriage) from a moving train. d release (the clutch of a motor vehicle) for a moment. e (of an animal) produce (young) prematurely. 8 tr. move (a stitch) to the other needle without knitting it. 9 tr. (foll. by on, off) pull (a garment) hastily on or off. 10 tr. escape from; give the slip to (the dog slipped its collar; point slipped my mind). --n. 1 the act or an instance of slipping. 2 an accidental or slight error. 3 a loose covering or garment, esp. a petticoat or pillowcase. 4 a a reduction in the movement of a pulley etc. due to slipping of the belt. b a reduction in the distance travelled by a ship or aircraft arising from the nature of the medium in which its propeller revolves. 5 (in sing. or pl.) a an artificial slope of stone etc. on which boats are landed. b an inclined structure on which ships are built or repaired. 6 Cricket a a fielder stationed for balls glancing off the bat to the off side. b (in sing. or pl.) the position of such a fielder (caught in the slips; caught at slip). 7 a leash to slip dogs. Phrases and idioms give a person the slip escape from or evade him or her. let slip 1 release accidentally or deliberately, esp. from a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) мех. сдвиг сдвигать(ся) 2) скольжение; проскальзывание скользить; проскальзывать 3) буксование, пробуксовка буксовать, пробуксовывать 4) оползень 5) оползание оползать 6) строит. подпорка; подкос 7) закладная рейка (в шве кладки) 8) мн. ч. нефт. клинья, клиновой захват 9) сил. шликер; суспензия 10) бассейн (между пирсами) 11) мор. слип; стапель 12) травить (канат или якорную цепь) 13) возд. обтекание со скольжением обтекать со скольжением 14) боковой увод (шины) 15) длинная узкая полоска (материала) to slip a pole, to slip back one pole — отставать на один полюс, пропускать один полюс (при синхронизации) - absolute slip - angular slip - aqueous slip - backward slip - belt slip - building slip - cage slip - camber slip - casing slips - casing-head slips - casting slip - ceramic slip - clay slip - clock slip - clutch slip - covered slip - cycle slip - dog slips - drill collar slips - drill-pipe slips - earth-work slip - electrode slip - elevator slip - enameling slip - enamel slip - end slip of bars - endwise slip - fishing slip - forward slip - frame slip - friction slip - hinged slips - hold-down slip - interfacial slip - interlamellar slip - kinetic slip - land slip - line slip - motor slip - multiple slip - operating slip - overshot slip - parting slip - phase slip - power slips - rated slip - relative slip - riding slip - rotational slip - senhouse slip - tape slip - thread slip - tire slip - tubing slips - vitreous slip - wheel slip - zero slip ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  скольжение, проскальзывание сдвиг, сброс; оползень шкант, пластинчатый патель (разделительная) планка длинная узкая скамья закладной брусок (в бетон, каменную кладку для прибивки гвоздей) узкий проход между зданиями тонкий слой штукатурного намёта или раствора длинная узкая полоска жидкий глиняный раствор допустимое вертикальное смещение наклеенного полотнища обоев слип; эллинг; стапель anchorage slip angle slip bar slip bond slip covered ship-building slip double S-slip guide slip hemmed S-slip mountain slip pocket slip ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  скольжение; скользить – frame slip – line slip – picture slip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) безрезьбовой 2) беседочный 3) буксовать 4) выскальзывание 5) выскальзывать 6) выскользнуть 7) нечаянность 8) пробуксовка 9) проскакивать 10) проскальзывание 11) проскальзывать 12) проскочить 13) сдвиг 14) скольжение 15) скользить 16) слип 17) шликерный belt slip detector — индикатор скольжения ленты dip article in a slip — наносить поливную глазурь на изделие master packing slip — сводная упаковочная ведомость plane of easy slip — плоскость легкого скольжения slip of conveyer belt — проскальзывание ленты конвейера slip triangle on T-square — перемещать угольник по рейсшине - burden slip - charge slip - railway slip - slip boundary - slip casting - slip clutch - slip flask - slip flow - slip frequency - slip glaze - slip hook - slip in - slip multiple - slip of rope - slip resistance - slip ring - slip vector - specimen slip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  скольжение (напр. ротора машины переменного тока) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. 1) общ. скольжение 2) общ. ошибка 3) общ. бланк 4) общ. талон (в виде узкой полоски бумаги) 5) страх. дополнительные условия страхования (напечатанные на полосках бумаги, приклеиваемых к страховому полису) 6) эк. квитанция а) (письменное подтверждение сделки) See: "paying slip б) фин. талон* (документ с дополнительной информацией, прикрепляемый к проданной ценной бумаге) See: "weight slip SLIP 1. сущ. 1) скольжение 2) перен. ошибка 3) бланк 4) талон (в виде узкой полоски бумаги) 5) дополнительные условия страхования (напечатанные на полосках бумаги, приклеиваемых к страховому полису) - deposit slip - insurance slip - paying-in slip 2. гл. 1) скользить 2) двигаться тихо (незаметно) 3) ускользать 4) спадать, понижаться - slip money to smb. ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) скольжение; скользить 2) сдвиг, смещение 3) побег, отросток; отводок 4) выкинуть, скинуть плод 5) спускать (собак) – cover slip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
   1. noun  1) скольжение; сползание  2) сдвиг; смещение  3) ошибка, промах; slip of the pen (tongue) - описка (обмолвка)  4) нижняя юбка; комбинация (белье)  5) чехол (для мебели); наволочка (тж. pillow slip)  6) pl. плавки  7) побег, черенок; отросток; a slip of a girl - худенькая/стройная девочка  8) poet. отпрыск  9) длинная узкая полоска (чего-л.); лучина, щепа; a slip of paper - полоска бумаги  10) листок, бланк; карточка (регистрационная и т.п.); to get the pink slip coll. - получить уведомление об увольнении  11) usu. pl. свора (для охотничьих собак)  12) amer. длинная узкая скамья (в церкви)  13) pl.; theatr. кулисы  14) typ. гранка (оттиск)  15) naut. эллинг, стапель  16) tech. уменьшение числа оборотов (колеса и т.п.); буксовка; скольжение (винта) there is many a slip between the cup and the lip - не говори гоп, пока не перепрыгнешь to give smb. the slip coll. - ускользнуть, улизнуть от кого-л. Syn: see mistake  2. v.  1) скользить, поскользнуться; my foot slipped - я поскользнулся  2) проскользнуть; исчезнуть  3) выскользнуть; соскользнуть (тж. slip off); ускользнуть (тж. slip away); the knot slipped - узел развязался; the dog slipped the chain - собака сорвалась с цепи; it has slipped my attention - я этого как-то не заметил; it slipped my memory, it slipped from my mind - я совсем забыл об этом; to let the chance slip - упустить удобный...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v slipped, slipping 1 »SLIDE« to accidentally slide a short distance quickly or to fall by sliding  (Suddenly, Frank slipped and fell over the edge. | My foot slipped and I nearly fell.)  (- see also slippery) 2 »MOVE QUICKLY« to move quickly, smoothly, or secretly  (slip out/through/by etc)  (Nobody saw her slip silently out. | The weeks slipped slowly by. | The terrorists had slipped through the airport's security net.) 3 »PUT STH SOMEWHERE« to put something somewhere or give someone something quietly, secretly, or smoothly  (slip sth around/into/through etc)  (I slipped a note into his hand under the table. | I slipped the Mercedes into gear. | slip sb sth)  (Jerry slipped the waiter -5 to get them a good table.) 4 »LOSE YOUR HOLD« if something that you are holding slips, it falls because it is difficult to hold or was not held firmly  (The soap slipped out of my hand. | The knife slipped and cut my finger.) 5 »GET WORSE« to become worse or lower than before  (Profits have slipped slightly this year. | You must be slipping - you never used to miss a shot like that.) 6 slip your mind/memory if something slips your mind you forget to do something  (I'm sorry I missed your birthday; it completely slipped my mind.) 7 let sth slip (through your fingers) to not take an opportunity, offer etc  (You're not going to let a chance like that slip through your fingers, are you?) 8 slip a disc to suffer an injury when one of the connecting parts between the bones in your back moves out of place 9 »GET FREE« to get free from something that was holding you  (The dog slipped his collar and ran away.) 10 let (it) slip (that) to say something without meaning to, when you had wanted it to be a secret  (Leila let slip that she's thinking about leaving the company.) 11 slip through the net if someone or something slips through the net, they are not caught or dealt with by the system that is supposed to catch them or deal with them  (homeless people slip through the social security net) slip into sth phr v 1 to put clothes...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  gen. comp. abbr. Serial Line Internet Protocol telec. abbr. Serial Line Internet Protocol chat abbr. Something Lousy I Planned ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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